Ready for Hillary?

Now that Hillary Clinton has officially announced her candidacy, Americans must ask themselves an important question: What exactly is so great about Hillary Clinton? The media, Democrats, and college students all have a frightening infatuation with her. Amidst the recent e-mail scandal, much of the liberal media has already gone to extraordinary lengths to protect the presumed Democratic nominee. Despite their pretensions to diversity, liberals have failed to promote a politically or ethnically diversified field of candidates. They’ve elevated Clinton to celebrity status, but her resume is besmirched by scandal and outright incompetence.

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Tea Party on the Decline

The historic 2010 midterm elections proved to be one of the most successful election years for the GOP. Republicans won six U.S. senate seats, 63 seats in the House of Representatives, six governorships, and 680 seats in state legislators. Apprehension towards the Affordable Care Act and the overall perception of the Obama Administration gave rise to the Tea Party, the boisterous, right wing faction of the GOP. Establishment Republicans such as Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Delaware Congressman Michael Castle lost their primaries to “anti-establishment” Tea Party candidates.

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Affirmative Action and Asians

A favorite strategy of the Democratic Party is to focus on winning over particular ethnic groups. Asian voters, a small percentage of the electorate, do not receive the same kind of attention as other minority voters. However, it is no secret that a majority of Asian Americans support the Democratic Party. This hasn’t always been the case. Voting patterns reveal that the Democrat Party has succeeded in winning the loyalty of a significant majority of Asian Americans over the past two decades. In the 1996 presidential election where Asians made up just one percent of all voters; 44% voted for Bill Clinton and 48% voted for Republican contender Bob Dole. In the most recent presidential election, the number of Asians voting grew to three percent; and 73% voted for Barack Obama and only 26% voted for Mitt Romney. Despite overwhelming support for Democratic candidates, affirmative action policies supported by the left often undermine Asian Americans.

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