Apple Appeals to the Public on Privacy

As of Sunday, Apple is still resisting the government order that it provide the FBI with a way of bypassing security on terrorist Syed Farook’s iPhone. Wall Street Journal columnist Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. predicts the government will win out in the end, but it seems that Apple has scored the moral victory.

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National Review Takes a Stand against Trump

Last Thursday night, National Review, the quintessential publication of the American conservative movement, published a symposium called “Conservatives against Trump.” Twenty-two writers contributed brief, principled pieces on why the right-of-center movement should not embrace Trump, even if he’s currently popular among a large and frankly embarrassing part of the Republican Party’s base.

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How Hamilton’s Leaders Have Failed Their Students

Last week, the group of Hamilton College activists known as “the Movement” released a lengthy list of demands to almost universal ridicule. Few Hamilton students respect the Movement’s childish and arrogant calls for public apologies, special attention, and, of course, money. Our college administrators, meanwhile, rushed to validate the protesters’ demands and feelings.

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