Smear Campaign in Central New York

With midterm elections in Central New York fast approaching, cable television has been plagued by smear ads knocking one political candidate after another. Meanwhile, New York was recently ranked “the nation’s worst business tax climate,” an unfortunate title in a nation with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. The present fiscal environment has prompted the Republican candidate for the 24th district of U.S. Congress, and former assistant U.S. attorney John Katko, to push for job creation and empower small businesses. 

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The College Revolution Will Be Flushed, Not Televised

While sifting through emails from numerous college clubs desperately trying to bribe students with free food from off-campus restaurants (take a hint Bon Appetite), I was delighted to find the latest “demands” from Hamilton College’s “The Movement.” (For those familiar with my bathroom habits, I am a member of the Irregular Movement.)

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