The Rise of Blockchain

Blockchain is slowly but surely stealing the limelight from bitcoin, the controversial cryptocurrency for which it acts as a kind of undercover headquarters. Bitcoin’s proponents, who include the Winklevoss twins of “The Social Network” fame, face an uncertain future as they steer their darling towards greater regulation in the hopes of attracting large-scale investors. Meanwhile blockchain is grabbing attention by continuing the tradition that made bitcoin successful in the first place: freedom.

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The Engine Behind Bernie’s Popularity

“A political revolution is coming.” Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Kind of dangerous, but also kind of tantalizing? Bernie Sanders’s official slogan, and variations on it, inspire a revolutionary mindset in young liberals. We want to rise up and fight the powers that have been controlling politics from the shadows for years now.

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An Election of Angry Voters

This election season has turned into the season of angry voters. Gone are the rational minds of middle class men and women interested in electing qualified, intelligent, and responsible officials. Competent candidates such as Scott Walker have long since dropped from the Republican primary race because they did not wish to take part in a circus. Many more have dropped because they cannot keep up with the circus. 

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